Modern magazine Jekyll theme
Sanara is a modern magazine Jekyll theme. It is a clean and fully responsive theme and looks great on both mobile devices and PCs. If you are looking for a beautiful Jekyll theme for your personal blog or photo website then this is the right choice for you.
- Compatible with Jekyll 4.1.1
- 100% responsive and clean theme
- Compatible with modern browsers
- Optimized for mobile devices
- Super fast performance
- Content focused, minimal design
- Related posts
- Social sharing buttons
- Scroll to top button
- Syntax highlighting (supports the Jekyll syntax highlighter)
- Instant search
- Medium style image zoom
- Tags support (no GitHub Pages support)
- Custom logo support
- Supports contact form (Formspree)
- Supports MailChimp newsletter
- Supports Disqus comments
- Supports Google Analytics
- Ionicons icons
- Google Fonts
License and instructions
$49 gets you a license to use the theme for a single project or website. It comes with full documentation showing you how to set up and customize the theme and use all of it’s features.
Updates and support
Sanara was created by Artem Sheludko. He’s dedicated to keeping the theme up to date with bug fixes and feature additions. You can email him at for any support queries.