Hitchens Jekyll theme

An inarguably well-designed Jekyll theme – Hitchens was designed to emphasize the power of the written word.

A simple theme for writers

Hitchens is a great minimalist Jekyll themes, and was designed to emphasize the power of the written word.

Undoubtably one of the great minds of our time, Christopher Hitchens challenged his readers to think deeply on topics of politics, religion, war, and science. This Jekyll theme’s design is inspired by the trade paperback version his book, Arguably, and is dedicated to his memory.

Some cool features make Hitchens pretty special:

  • The theme supports title-less posts out of the box. This means you can use this theme for both long-form writing and microblogging.
  • Built-in JSON Feed support.
  • A custom DuckDuckGo-powered search form.
  • A skip-navigation link — even Minima doesn’t have one :D

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